Thứ Năm, 10 tháng 3, 2016

What Doctors Don’t Tell You About Acne

Modern medicine considers mild to moderate acne an acceptable feature of growing up. If you go to your doctor for help with whiteheads, blackheads, or pimples, chances are you’ll be given a prescription for an antibiotic or benzoyl peroxide, or both, and sent on your way. If you have especially deep skin infection causing nodules or cysts, you may be put on Retin-A or Accutane, and if you have the more aggressive forms of acne that cause pimples to grow together all over the top half of the body (acne conglobata) or the kind of acne that results from the immune system’s attack on an ingrown hair (acne keloidalis nuchae), you will probably get a referral to a dermatologist for laser therapy or surgical reconstruction procedures.
There are two critically important things everyone who has acne needs to know about medical treatments for acne:
  • Most medically supervised treatments for acne significantly reduce the number and size of blemishes.
  • No medically supervised treatments for acne get rid of all your cysts, nodules, blackheads, pimples, and scars, and some prescription therapies offer only short-term relief.
Acne is caused by a combination of factors. The lining of a pore in the skin starts producing skin at a high rate. Dead skin cells accumulate in the pore faster than the sebum it makes can push them to the surface. The oily sebum made by the sebaceous gland at the base of the pore gets trapped under dead skin, along with acne bacteria. The immune system generates inflammation to kill the bacteria, but the bacteria release chemicals that target surrounding healthy skin. Squeezing or mashing pimples forces acne bacteria deeper into the skin, where they can continue to trick the immune system into destroying more and more healthy tissue while pink scar tissue grows over them and locks them inside the skin.
Stopping any step in this process will reduce acne. But the best acne treatment will stop all of these steps, which is necessary for achieving blemish-free skin. Medical treatment zeroes in on just one step of the process and usually works for that one step. And traditional home acne care suffers the same limitation.

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The Best Acne Treatment Approach

We All Know The Basic Advice About Taking Care Of Acne

    Scrub your face with soap
    Don’t eat chocolate
    Let the sun dry out your skin
    Zap your zits with antibiotics

The problem with the basic advice about acne is that most of it is basically wrong.

Whether we like it or not, we are judged by our appearance. Acne makes us feel uncomfortable around other people and it can also destroy intimacy. In some instances it will even have a negative impact on income and professional opportunity. Acne is a serious matter and the pressure is on to find the best acne treatment to successfully manage the condition.
Simple Works, But Be Careful

Most acne sufferers can successfully manage their condition with inexpensive over-the-counter acne products. That’s the good news. The bad news is that acne products are not created equal. When acne sufferers jump straight in and simply try random products, they usually end up frustrated.

95% of acne treatments on the market don’t work as advertised and often make acne worse. They can burn your skin and make your face red, which actually makes your acne worse and as such only serves to make you even more self-conscious.
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Pimple During Pregnancy

Pimple Breakouts and Acne
What is this?

If you have a problem with acne already, your acne may become more irritated during pregnancy. The extra hormones in your body cause your oil glands to secrete more oil, which can cause breakouts.
What can I do?

You should keep a strict cleansing routine. You can start with a simple over-the-counter face soap. It is a good idea to use fragrance free soap to avoid nausea.

Cleanse your face every night and every morning. Washing your face more than this can cause your skin to become dry.

Next use an astringent to remove any remaining oil. Stay away from any acne medicated astringents; they may contain acne medicine that is not recommended for pregnant women.

Finally, follow this procedure with an oil free moisturizer.  If you find that you are having problems with acne, consult with your health care provider on acne treatment during pregnancy.

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How to Get Rid of Blemishes


1. Lemon

Lemon is considered as one of the most popular tips on how to get rid of blemishes. All you need to do is mix lemon juice with attar, then combine ½ can of yogurt into this solution to form an anti-acne paste. Apply it to your face and leave it there for about 30 minutes so that its extraction can be absorbed into your skin very well. This method is believed to successfully make you skin clean and smooth.

2. Aloe Vera

Being one of the beautified substances that a lot of women like to use, aloe vera contains a number of vital vitamins and minerals giving you a helping hand in blemish treatments and home acne treatments.
Cut a slice of Aloe Vera (throw away its peel, because it can burn your skin) and rub gently on your face for about 2-3 minutes and rinse with clean water. In the first time you use it, you will feel a little bit itchy. This is completely normal feeling and it will soon disappear from the 2nd time.

3. Cucumber

Cucumber is considered as one of the quickest methods on how to get rid of blemishes, since it is cool and fresh. Accordingly, you can consume or use cucumber to apply on your face daily without worrying about side effects.
Cut a cucumber into slices and rub them on your face. After 30 minutes, rinse with water. Alternatively, you can use cucumber juice to rub on your face from 1-2 times per day (after you wash your face).

4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are reckoned as one of the most effective home remedies on how to get rid of blemishes thanks to its profile of vitamins and nutrients. If your face has some acne or small spots, you only need to grind a tomato and use its meat to rub on your face. By regularly using tomatoes, your skin will not only be safe from blemishes or acne, but also always stay fresh and glow.
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Overview of Blemish, Cause of Blemish


What are Blemishes?

Blemishes are the term used to describe the dark spots or skin discoloration. Other symptoms of blemishes can be also whiteheads, blackheads, pustules and pimples as they occur due to clogged pores.
Blemishes do not exclude any part of the body; however, the most common places which blemishes usually appear are face, shoulders, neck and back.

What cause Blemishes?

The most major cause leading to blemishes is the breakouts of acne. Also there are other factors such as genetics, imbalance of hormones, poor diet with lack of skin care as well as aging and UV rays exposure.
Due to such harmful factors, blemishes can appear and spoil your look. Most of teenagers and even adults have acne and skin blemishes on face or other skin parts. Since this skin problem possibly makes you feel uglier, it can also lead to the loss of confidence. Therefore, it is a wish for people to get rid of blemishes immediately. Fortunately, with the help of natural ingredients available around your house, you can create some home remedies about how to get rid of blemishes on face fast and naturally.